Monday, October 21, 2013

Presented here is a small amount of fan fiction (in comic form) based upon the TV series Doctor Who.

For the Doctor Who fans out there…

This (very) short story is based upon a deleted scene from the Season 4 finale “Journey’s End”, in which a duplicate version of the Doctor (who is also fully human) is left to live out the rest of his mortal life with (now romantic) companion Rose Tyler.  Fans have since dubbed this duplicate human Doctor the ‘Metacrisis Doctor’.

In the scene, The Doctor and Donna Noble provide the Metacrisis Doctor with a piece of the Tardis hoping that he too can one day grow his own version of the stately time machine.

The Doctor gives his duplicate a piece of 'Tardis Coral' in the deleted scene.

According to writer Russell T Davies, the scene was ultimately removed because it further complicated the already intricate conclusion to the episode.

You can view the scene in its entirety on the Doctor Who Complete Fourth Series DVD, or you can watch it on Youtube.

Doctor Who: "Only Human" by James Patrik